05/04/2018ONE TECH HOLDING - Press release
The board of directors of the Company met dated April 4th, 2018 and decided to convene for on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.
05/04/2018BT - General Meeting ordinary & extraordinary at 23/04/2018
The shareholders of the BANQUE DE TUNISIE are convened as General meetings Ordinary and Extraordinary on Monday, April 23, 2018.
05/04/2018BIAT - Press release
The board of directors of the BIAT, Banks International Arab of Tunisia, joined together on Friday, March 30, 2018.
05/04/2018ONE TECH HOLDING - Declaration of significant operations at 05/04/2018
Declaration of significant operations realised by "ODYSSE DATES".
05/04/2018ZITOUNA TAKAFUL (Hors Cote) - General Meeting ordinary at 18/04/2018
My ladies and the shareholders of “ZITOUNA TAKAFUL” are convened with the meeting of the Standard general meeting.
05/04/2018ATB - Financial statements annual at 31/12/2017
ATB publishes its financial statements stopped at December 31st, 2017.
05/04/2018SIMPAR - General Meeting ordinary at 27/04/2018
My ladies and the shareholders of company “SIMPAR” are convened with the meeting of the Standard general meeting.
04/04/2018ATB - General Meeting ordinary at 19/04/2018
My ladies and the shareholders of the ATB are convened with the meeting of the Standard general meeting
04/04/2018ATTIJARI BANK - General Meeting ordinary & extraordinary at 20/04/2018
Sirs the shareholders of ATTIJARI BANK are invited to the Standard general meeting and Extraordinary which will be held on Friday, April 20, 2018
04/04/2018SPDIT - SICAF - Press release
The Standard general meeting of the held SPDIT on April 4th, 2018 and ruling on 2018.